Comic book artist Greg Scott, known for his work on Sword of Dracula, Afterlife with Archie, and Gotham Central, talks to the Caste Of Horror podcast about his new Graphic Novel, Steve McQueen: Full-Throttle Cool.
The Castle Of Horror Podcast, on the Bleeding Cool website, is a weekly internet radio show that features writers in the comics, games and book industries, delving deep into a particular horror film.
Last week’s edition, however, was a special edition, where host Jason Henderson, author of IDW’s Ben 10 series, interviews prolific, but under-appreciated comic artist Greg Scott, about his upcoming Graphic Novel for Motorbooks, illustrating the life of American badass Steve McQueen, the bullitt himself, motorcycle racing antihero, the king of cool.
What do they talk about?
Henderson and Scott rap about the new graphic novel, which is due out in June from Motorbooks, and share a boatload of Steve McQueen ephemera, a lot of movie trivia, the enduring popularity of Archie Comics, and drawing Halle Berry with a soup can 52 times for Neal Adams.
Did you know…?:
- Steve McQueen did uncredited stunt work for Burt Reynolds in movies like 1976’s Gator, which Henderson describes as “a Golden Age of practical FX”
- Steve McQueen helped a young movie extra’s mother end her life in dignity and peace, after finding out she was dying of cancer in a public hospital, by moving her to a hospice.
- Steve McQueen sponsored a Boy’s reformatory school, where he had spent time as a youth. He would frequently ask studios for items in bulk, such as blue jeans and electric razors, to donate to the youths.
So who’s the book for?
Steve McQueen: Full-Throttle Cool is described by the publisher as “for gearheads,” being fine purveyors of upscale automotive culture, but anyone with an interest in Steve McQueen, ’70s action movies, cinema history, and high-contrast black-and-white imagery will have their throttle revved by this 87 objects d’arts.
What else did you learn?
While I enjoyed the repartee about the book, and learning minutiae about Steve McQueen’s fascinating life, the insights into Scott’s working method, and the pair’s deep insights into the comic industry was the real bread and butter. I greatly appreciated Henderson and Scott’s analysis of the Archie brand, which has managed to stay relevant since the 1940s. Greg Scott has done covers for the Archie horror spin-off title Afterlife With Archie, so it was cool to hear his thoughts on publishers giving their audience more credit, and taking more risks, rather than pandering and trying to hold every readers’ hand.
Today I learned…
- Greg Scott worked as part of Neal Adams’ Continuity Studios, which he described as “going to the coal mill,” where he would be asked to draw animatics 50 Times Or More!
- Scott got his break in comics by being a bike messenger in Manhattan, where he staked out Marvel’s office during cigarette breaks, where he would hand out sample packets.
- Scott’s daughter prefers to pretend Afterlife With Archie doesn’t exist.
- Scott prefers to putter around the house for a few hours, drinking coffee and thinking, before sitting down to work around noon or so.
- He tends to produce one to two completed pages a day.
- He does his own inking and coloring.
- He hates when colors take away from the action.
During the course of these revelations, Henderson and Scott reveal many fascinating speculations, regarding the future of comics, remaking and re-issuing classic material, and how to make it (and how not to) in the comics industry.
And while Scott may not regard himself as a good mentor for the youth, his reluctance at offering cookie cutter advice for aspiring comic writers suggests just the opposite.
The only real advice to give is, “If you love it, do it. And keep doing it.” There are no shortcuts or magic formula to guarantee success, like the ancient Italians said, “Labor Omnia Vincit,” hard work overcomes all.
Steve McQueen: Full-Throttle Cool is out on June 19, 2015.
You can see a preview at Greg Scott’s blog
You can listen to the Castle Of Horror Podcast, in full, at the Bleeding Cool Website. If you like it, drop by their Facebook page and let ’em know! Tell ’em we sent you!
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