If you’ve never had a chance to play through the original Deus Ex, or just want an excuse to get augmented again, a fan-made (but officially endorsed) mod is probably your best opportunity yet.
It’s been a good 15 years since the game was originally released, and while much of it still holds up, the visuals haven’t so aged well. Luckily, a fan project called Deus Ex: Revision has just made its way onto Steam, bringing with it a ton of graphical and gameplay improvements that bring a modern touch to the experience.
Even crazier though is the fact that this mod was released with the full blessing of Square Enix, who even released a press statement to get the word out. Square Enix has never really been a company known for its unbridled support of fan projects, so this has been a pretty pleasant surprise.
How much of an upgrade are we talking about?
Here are some example screenshots:
Obviously it’s nowhere near Human Revolution, but for a decade and a half year old game? Not too shabby.
Aside from the graphics, what else has been changed?
In addition to the visual upgrade, Revision also features a newly recorded soundtrack based on the original score. Plus, it comes pre-packaged with a number of mods that other fans have been working on over the past few years, some of which fix general glitches and wonky AI routines, while others address more specific game balance issues.
The overall story experience has been untouched though, so you’re basically getting the original Deus Ex with a shinier paint job.
How much is this going to cost me?
The mod itself is absolutely free, although it does require that you own the original game on Steam. Luckily, said game is less than $1.50 for the next few days.