I’m super hyped for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It may not be your type of game, but that’s fine I just wanted to get that out there so there are no misunderstandings.
Yesterday, Wild Hunt’s developers CD Project Red teased a cinematic trailer with… well, another trailer. Some resourceful fans found a hidden message in the teaser that revealed the devs were thanking everyone for making the game such a success. If you’d like to see that teaser — or the hidden message — head on over to our previous coverage.
Today, the company revealed the cinematic trailer for the launch of the game and it is absolutely fantastic.
Take a gander. This might be considered NSFW; just wanted to put that out there.
What Is This for?
Keep in mind, this is a cinematic trailer for the game so it’s not indicative of gameplay. There may — or may not be — a quest or experience in the game similar to this, but don’t expect it to be so.
As with many cinematic trailers, this is designed to give you a small glimpse into the world of the Witcher and offer some idea as to what you might expect. Are you looking forward to the game’s launch like I am? Have you played the previous Witcher games?